100% certified extra virgin olive oils


Olio Rustico from ragusa sicily

I’ve never lost my heart so quickly to a place and its people as I have to Italy, and even more profoundly, to Sicily.

Sicily is an exotic and delicious overload to every one of your senses; you see, you smell, you taste, you feel the influence of every culture who has invaded this tiny, exquisite island. And the people? As exuberant as the food and the land.

Our olio rustico is produced in Sicily, in one of the most important olive oil regions in Italy, Monte Iblei. These olives (tonda iblea) are harvested by hand and we purchase the oil directly from Sergio.  The oil is certified extra virgin & d.o.p. (with lab tests first in Italy and again here in America).

Sergio, is one of our long time producers and It is with joy, gratitude and honor to call him friend. I’ve had the good fortune to visit his oliveto where I have been humbled by the extraordinary amount of year round hard work to produce this stellar and award-winning oil. 


Olio abruzzo from Casoli, Italy


It's where and how Oliva Bella started.

Its simple beauty is almost overwhelming: in one 360 degree vista you see the deep blue of the Adriatic sea, the majestic Apennine mountains with their snow-covered peaks, acres and acres of olive trees and grape vines. It is a common occurrence to have the road blocked by a flock of sheep crossing with their shepherd.

That beauty is also reflected in the abruzzese people and the food.

Our spectacular new oil from Abruzzo is produced by Tommaso and Agnese on their oliveto 1500 feet above the sea in the area of Chieti. Their oil is a blend of gentile and intossi olives; it’s sweet, fruity, bitter, piccante and alive! The family has been producing extra virgin olive oil since 1874 and in 2015 the Gambera Rossa called Tomasso one of the best olive oil producers in Italy. You will taste that quality in his oil.
